WBC launches Covid-19 Survey
WBC launches Covid-19 Survey
East Ilsley Parish Council
West Berkshire Council is to launch a residents’ survey to gain insight into the impact of Covid-19 on the district.
The survey, which will be available from the 22nd May until 9am on Monday 8th June, asks residents a number of questions about how their circumstances have changed as a result of the Public Health Emergency. It also invites residents to give their thoughts on the Council’s response to the current situation as well as the implications for the local recovery.
It forms part of the Council’s ongoing engagement programme and responses will be analysed as West Berkshire Council develops a local Recovery Strategy with partners in the coming months. The Council intends to repeat the survey at regular intervals in the next year to ensure that any changes to public feeling are considered.
Commenting on the survey, Lynne Doherty, Leader of West Berkshire Council, said:
“We’re really pleased to be launching this survey, which is a key part of engaging with our residents and involving them in our decision-making process.
“The current situation is having an impact on all of us and we are keen to find out more about local people are feeling at this time. Doing so will ensure that the specific needs of local people inform the district’s recovery efforts.
“We would urge all of those who live in West Berkshire to fill in the survey to help shape our future work.”
The survey and contact details for the Consultation Team can be found at:
Paper copies of the form can be requested by calling 01635 503043.